No appointment needed for immediate face to face crisis intervention and support for survivors of sexual assault, family violence, child abuse and other violent crimes.

24-Hour Crisis Hotline 940-665-CURE (2873) • 1600 Aspen • 201 Harvey St. • PO Box 1221 • Gainesville, TX 76241

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From the Front Lines

From the Front Lines ~ Vol. 3 ~ March 2023


A Helping Hand

Our agency has the privilege of volunteers assisting us in more ways than one. Sharon Tawwater has been volunteering with Abigail’s Arms since 2011. Besides being such a great helper, Sharon says volunteering is what she felt she needed to do after retirement, “It’s rewarding to me not only because it makes me feel like I’m doing something worthwhile but it’s a need that’s not going to be fulfilled unless there’s more volunteers.”

Sharon says that her time volunteering has given her the opportunity to see what is needed in the community. There’s a plethora of reasons why volunteering is beneficial to the organizations who need it, but there are just as many benefits to the individual person. Volunteering can look attractive on resumes for college applications and increase social interactions, all while providing a sense of community and teach you new things.

Executive Director Ginger Johnson shares, “Volunteers are the backbone of what we do. Our volunteers work within each of our core programs providing that extra support for not only our clients, but our staff as well. We are open to ideas and possibilities with each potential volunteer that contacts us. Becoming a volunteer is just taking a step in learning about what we do, then using the information to be an Agent of Change in the community.”

Impact for Abigail’s Arms

Abigail’s Arms volunteers are an integral part of our organization and make a significant impact on the Cooke County Community. Many of our volunteers are the first line of contact whose work begins the moment the crisis line rings, or a client walks through our door. They serve our community members with compassion, acceptance, and selflessness. They are always ready to provide resources and connect clients with advocates. Other volunteers work tirelessly to sort donations and connect these items to those in need, some share their unique skills such as tutoring, crafts, and cooking, and others represent Abigail’s Arms at events across the county building relationships with the community. Without the service of volunteers, our mission would be impossible.

In 2022, our volunteers served 18,177 hours. Currently, our agency has 165 active volunteers, but would love to add more. We are gearing up for a volunteer training session, so if you have considered volunteering and wondered where you are needed, this message is for you! Please join us for a free lunch and our Agents of Change class April 1, 2023. In this session you’ll gain insight to the needs of Cooke County, be equipped to meet those needs, and find a place you can use your talents to strengthen our community.

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Get in Touch

24-Hour Crisis Hotline



Physical AddressES

1600 Aspen
Gainesville, TX 76240

201 Harvey St.
Gainesville, TX 76240

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 1221
Gainesville, TX 76241